the entrepreneurship
studies network
We are a community of scholars dedicated to advancing understanding of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and its real life practices, contexts and impacts. We are passionate about developing a creative space through which we can jointly enrich the understanding of entrepreneurial phenomena.

Our Aims
Advance the European tradition of research in entrepreneurship studies, with an emphasis on real-life practices, contexts and impacts.
Provide a network which supports the creation of scholarly research that explores social, economic, historical and cultural contexts, connecting the study of enterprise to real life practices.
Promote the development of theory for practice in entrepreneurship research.
Support the career development of ESN members.
Organizing Committee
Professor Simon Down (Anglia Ruskin University, UK), Professor Denise Fletcher (University of Luxembourg), Professor William B. Gartner (Clemson University, USA), Professor Daniel Hjorth (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Professor Bengt Johanisson (Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden), Professor David Rae (University of Lincoln, UK), Professor Chris Steyaert (University St. Gallen, Switzerland), Professor Friederike Welter (IfM Bonn & University of Siegen, Germany), Professor Tony Watson (University of Nottingham, UK)
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